We offer a collection point for the Seaton Valley Food Bank all year around. In November we held an assembly to explain the role of our food bank and to help boost our school food bank appeal in the run up to Christmas.
This time of year can be especially difficult for some families and individuals, we ask those who can afford to, to donate what they can to help others in our local community.
We are trying to collect a wide range of items so we are asking each year group to try to donate different items, although any and all items will be very gratefully received.
In order to try to collect a wide range of items, we are requesting that each year group contributes food items for different meals:
- YEAR 5 - breakfast items (for example boxes of cereal, porridge oats, jars of jam or marmalade, cereal bars, crackers, or long life UHT milk)
- YEAR 6 - lunch items (for example sandwich fillers or spreads (in jars or tins), tins or packets of soup, tins of hot-dogs, baked beans, or packet noodles)
- YEAR 7 - dinner items (for example pasta, rice, jars of pasta sauce, tinned fish, meat or vegetables, tins of rice pudding, custard, and cake)
- YEAR 8 - supper and snack items (for example crisps, biscuits, teabags, coffee, sugar, chocolate bars
Staff are being asked to donate personal care items such as shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
Please note, no fresh items or food that needs to be refrigerated/frozen.
Many thanks for your continued and generous support with this and all school activities.