In each year group, children will receive English and Maths homework each week, and Science and Foundation Subject homework as and when appropriate.

In English, a variety of tasks will be set. These could include research tasks, modelling projects, spelling, grammar or punctuation exercises, reading tasks or finishing off class work. They will also be given a reading record and be expected to read every evening as part of their homework. Where appropriate, they may receive weekly spelling word lists to learn.

In KS2 Maths, homework may be a timed arithmetic test plus some topic work taught in recent lessons. It could also be some problem solving and reasoning worksheets. The children will have Maths homework in KS2 every week and they are encouraged to record this in their planners. In KS3 Maths, homework will be set online to be completed at home. Occasionally the children will have a written task to do. As KS3 topics are in units, this may not happen every week but children should check regularly online to see if homework has been set for them; this encourages them to become independent learners.

Science homework is set where relevant and is currently a mixture of tasks including learning keyword spellings/ symbols, research, completing a write up, producing a revision aid, watching Science videos (often on YouTube) or writing a plan for an investigation.

In other Foundation subjects, homework may be set as a project to be completed over a period of time or an individual task. These will not be set on a weekly basis, but as and when they are relevant to the topic area of study.

Any queries regarding homework should be addressed initially to Mrs Long (KS2) or Mrs McSparron (KS3).

Talk Homework

At Seaton Sluice Middle School we are committed to raising standards and high achievement for all. One aspect we would like to develop further is Speaking and Listening, as this area makes up to 20% of your child's final GCSE English mark and we wish to improve their skills in this area by making it a focus for the year.

'Talk Homework' has therefore been introduced with all students during Friday assemblies. Students will be set a task to be completed at home by the following Thursday. The topics will not be difficult and will hopefully inspire our students to talk and listen with increasing confidence.

Topics for discussion may include:

  • local/school/class issues and/or news related
  • personal, social, or emotional related themes
  • curriculum related issues e.g. linked to class topics
  • pupil generated interests and requests

This is a new initiative for our school and here are some suggestions as to how the 'Talk Homework' may be carried out:

  • encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in 'Talk Homework', possibly around the meal table
  • switch off the TV and try to ensure this is dedicated talking and listening time
  • when giving your opinion, use the 'because' word to explain why you think that
  • give the possible opinions of two contrasting family members who are not present for the talk, and use the 'because' word to explain why they may be different
  • ask others around the table to give their opinions
  • ask your child his/her opinion and ask them to give reasons why they think that
  • link the topic you are given to discuss back to something you remember from when you were a child and say why things may be different now.  Project forward to how things may be different in the future.

Students will spend Key Skills time on Thursdays sharing their experiences. There will also be a class book - a record of any interesting thoughts and information. Students will be encouraged to contribute to the book in any way they wish (e.g. photographs, leaflets, written notes on what they have talked about).

If you require any further information on 'Talk Homework', or if you have any suggestions or comments, please contact the school.