We believe that a small amount of homework carried out on a regular basis is a very important part of the learning process.  It helps children to develop the confidence, skills and self-discipline they will need in the future.

Homework is based around the completion of half termly projects. We think that this is an exciting and creative way to get children working independently at home, at their own pace and where possible choosing their own activities to do.

During the year, your child may also be asked to complete a variety of smaller homework tasks. They could be:

  • exercises to reinforce skills already learned in class
  • writing up of what has been learned; preparation for the next stage of learning
  • research
  • extended writing
  • redrafting of work
  • revision or learning of spellings, tables, new vocabulary
  • investigations

In addition, each child will be given a reading diary which we ask you to sign when your child reads at home. For every seven signatures, your child will gain a merit.

How can we help?

The staff will try, as far as possible, to ensure that homework is only set on timetabled nights. Some tasks will be expected to be carried out over a few homework nights, whereas others will be shorter and need only one night to complete. We usually allow more than one evening before homework is to be completed, to provide flexibility for families and to give an opportunity for pupils to ask for help if they are experiencing problems. In recognition of all of the hard work put in by pupils over the year, and particularly before the SATs, the homework load will lighten after May half term. We hope that this will also allow pupils to take advantage of the lighter nights and warmer weather to enjoy more outdoor pursuits.

How can you help?

Parental support and encouragement is absolutely vital in this process and so we ask you to help us by signing your child's diary weekly. If your child is finding the homework difficult, or hasn’t been able to complete the homework within a reasonable time, please make a note in the diary and ensure that your child shows it to the relevant teacher so that they can follow it up and ensure understanding.

Other ways in which you can help are:

  • provide a quiet corner away from the television
  • encourage your child to complete homework at a regular time each evening, to plan ahead to make the best use of their time and to use the local library for any research they need to do
  • have available pencils, pens, coloured pencils, a simple dictionary and thesaurus
  • discuss the finished piece of work with your child
  • ensure that your child does their best and presents their work well
  • read to your child and have your child read to you

If  homework is not handed in on time or is not completed to an acceptable standard, a purple stamp reminder will be placed in diary with the expectation that it will be in the next day (this is not a red comment). For second and consequent incidences of homework not completed in the same subject, the reminder will also contain a red signature to indicate a red comment. Year 5 pupils will be given purple homework reminders only (and no red comments) for the first half term, to help them settle into the new system.

We feel sure that we can depend upon your support and encouragement to make homework an important part of school life. Thank you!

Homework Club

If your child finds it difficult to work at home, we provide an after school homework club, which runs on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:30 to 4:00pm, ensuring the pupils have a quiet place to work, access to resources and help when required. Staff are available to go through issues with homework and to address any concerns or misconceptions.

Children can choose to attend homework club (or parents may ask for them to attend) to complete their home workunder the supervision of an adult. In some situations it might be necessary for teaching staff to ask a child to attend this club if they have not been completing homework fully or on time - 24 hours' notice will be given.

WMS Homework Club

Updated: 24/08/2018 348 KB