- Excellent choice of academic and vocational courses, delivered by teachers who know your child and how they learn
- Outstanding results in BTEC subjects
- Strong pastoral support to guide students through the transition to A Levels/BTEC and throughout their education at Astley Community High School
- Class sizes which allow personalised attention
- High standards and expectations of academic performance, attendance, enthusiasm and behaviour
- Quiet and supervised study areas in school to support your child to make the transition from GCSE to A Level
- Academic mentoring and tracking to guide students
- A programme for more able students to work with more able in other schools
- Outstanding ICT facilities to stimulate every aspect of learning
- Excellent support from our partners including all of the local universities and a programme of visits
- A strong career, work shadowing and higher education programme, including a careers interview programme for every student
- Regular career breakfast sessions where students can meet up with adults working in their chosen field
- Enrichment programme including the Duke of Edinburgh Award to support wider learning and skill acquisition
- A work experience placement at the end of Year 12
- Exceptional support in making applications to university, apprenticeship providers of employers
- Our Sixth Form Centre offers a modern space exclusive to Year 12 and Year 13 students to eat, relax and study