At Whytrig, we believe that Personal Development is a key part of growing up into a confident, resilient, and responsible young person. Through our Personal Development programme we aim to provide every pupil with opportunities to build their self-esteem and strength of character, improve their social skills, develop a positive mindset and support them to become positive citizens of the community and the wider world. We also support our pupils in learning how to manage their emotions, work effectively with others and make positive choices that will help them succeed both in school and beyond.
We achieve this through:
- Our PSHE, RE and RSE timetabled curriculum for all pupils.
- Our vast Personal Development activity programme that includes assemblies, form tutor sessions, workshops, school events.
- Our extensive extracurricular programme.
- Our trips offer; which gives the pupils the opportunity to visit local, national and international locations.
- Our weekly ‘Talk Topic’; allowing pupils and families to share opinions on current events, social issues and wider philosophical or ethical discussion points.
- Our strong pastoral system, which supports the social, emotional and mental health of pupils, and pupils know how to access support in school.
- Our transition offer which supports pupils on entering and leaving Whytrig.
- Our Careers education, information, advice and guidance offer.
- Our promotion of engagement and active citizenship within school through regular leadership opportunities such as Prefects, House Captains, Sports Leaders, Science Ambassadors and Reading Mentors.
- Our inclusive ethos, which values individuality in all its forms and provides equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
Fundamental British Values
At Whytrig, we actively seek to promote the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of our pupils alongside promoting Fundamental British Values. The Fundamental British Values are:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
We promote the Fundamental British Values by ensuring that:
- Pupils are explicitly taught to understand and celebrate differences and similarities and learn about world beliefs, actively promoting a culture of mutual respect and tolerance.
- Our pupils are provided with opportunities to explore citizenship education across all subjects to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding which help them develop into responsible members of society.
- All pupils have a voice that is listened to.
- Pupils are taught specifically about democracy as part of the PSHE curriculum and providing opportunities for pupils to participate in democratic processes
- Pupils are provided with opportunities to argue and defend points of view through curriculum lessons and form tutor times so that they develop the skills to weigh up evidence and form balanced arguments.
- Pupils are taught to respect others and be guided by what is ‘right’ – Respect is one of our core school values.
- Pupils are given the opportunity to volunteer their time, energy, and enthusiasm to the school and wider community through taking part in charitable fundraising and being an ambassador for the school.
- Pupils are given the opportunity to apply for a wide range of leadership roles in school, such as Prefects, House Captains, Sports Leaders, Science Ambassadors and Reading Mentors.
Personal Development at WMS
Personal Development at WMS