SSMS is proud to announce the Stars of the Week!
Year 5
Jenson A - For creating two fantastic models of the planets and the solar system.
Alfie R - For beginning to make contributions in lessons with excellent comments!
Gracie F - For an OUTSTANDING performance in Bikeability; the best ever seen by the instructors!
Freddie V - For working incredibly hard in English.
PRESENTATION AWARD - Milly G, Emily H, Yasmin M - Always remembering to write in pen and draw in pencil, unless asked to do otherwise!
Year 6
Riley J - For being a fantastic support in form time!
Reegan W - For being more organised and remembering to get planner signed.
Jamie E - For a wonderful retell of the Three Pigs :-)
Maddie D - For being kind and considerate when a friend is struggling.
Adam B - SPORTSMANSHIP - For always being a good team player and for being a wonderful role-model to Year 5! :-)
Year 7 and Year 8
Jonah and Katie in Year 7 for producing outstanding Gothic models for their English homework this week, the likes of which expert model-makers would be proud of. We are so pleased to see you putting in the extra time and effort to really push your own learning forward.
Joe, Oscar and Ava in Year 8 for standing for election for the Northumberland Youth Parliament. You are exactly the sort of young people who fill us with hope of a better world to come, and we are so proud of your confidence and political engagement.