SSMS is proud to announce the Stars of the Week!
This week's stars are:
Year 5
Matthew W - For writing an fantastic description in English
Jake P - For a superb performance in Music
Jackson B - For fantastic work in Art
Connor K - For making such valuable contributions in lessons.
PRESENTATION AWARD Working hard on their presentation skills: Hana D, Jake P, Liam B
Year 6
Connor W - For excellent effort in maths - keep it up!
Matilsa B - For always being kind and thinking of others
Leon S - For excellent effort in English & maths
Jessica M - For completing extra French work to an amazingly high standard
Maizie G - SPORTSMANSHIP - For being a star Uno player
Year 7
Lana - for being so philanthropic and altruistic in her desire to help the people of Ukraine, that she helped to inspire the whole concept of SSMS Ukraine Day later this term.
Year 8
Lexie - for using her own money to buy books for her KS2 peer readers, wanting to encourage and support them in their reading journeys.
They both make us very hopeful that their generation will make this world a much better place - well done!