Our Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week are:
Year 5
Seren FC - For being such a mature, polite and sensible member of the class.
Jake P - For excellent work in English and great recall of Romeo and Juliet.
Daisy H - Being a wonderful role model to Year 5.
Dominic H - Beautiful reading and great recall of Romeo and Juliet.
Lily Mae B - For being incredibly helpful and one step ahead of her teacher!
Year 6
Matthew E - For brilliant contributions to class discussions and always working hard
Milly G - For outstanding work, published in a book
Lucy T - For outstanding work, published in a book
Libby D - For amazing effort in English
Most merits in Year 5 - Jack M
Most merits in Year 6 - Amelia H and Gracie F
Special recognition certificates for giving excellent performances leading to winning the cup in Football for their local team: Aaron F and Finley T
Special recognition certificate for outstanding achievement in Gymnastics: Ewan B