Our Key Stage 2 Stars of the week are as follows:
Week Commencing 19/6/23:
Year 5
Mason L - for being mature and sensible, showing much resilience and restraint
Holly H - an all round amazing character and for helping others in the class
Oliver H - fantastic effort with spellings!
Penny G - being such a delightful, hard working pupil!
Elby H - working very hard in intervention Maths and for the progress made.
Year 6
Liam B - for being amazing!
Savannah H - always being the first one to listen and follow instructions
Joe H - always being a pleasure to teach
Andrew F - always being enthusiastic
Week Commencing 26/6/23:
Year 5
Millie C - representing the school with such confidence when visiting Year 4
Ellie F - consistently producing excellent work and demonstrating fantastic behaviour
Freddy M - excellent oral contributions in English lessons
Dominic H - being more confident when writing independently and showing more resilience
Evan Mc - representing the school with such confidence when visiting Year 4
Year 6
Riley W - for being wonderful
Luke A - fabulous effort in French
Mason H - for always being lovely
Joseph H - for always being lovely
Katie A - excellent effort in English
Harry Ca - working his socks off in Maths
Most Merits in Year 5: Leighton O
Most Merits in Year 6: Rosie F
Well done everyone!