Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week:

Year 5

Iyla B - for her lovely diary entry in English.

Nathan L - for his contagious positivity!

James C - for great enthusiasm in humanities by showing a super knowledge of other countries.

Emily T - for making a fantastic effort in Maths and English!

Most Merits - Erin Be


Year 6

Willow R - for fantastic effort and attitude in English.

Johnny C - for always being very helpful, polite, hard working; can be relied upon to be doing his best and the right thing at all times!

Ella P - For pushing through her fear of heights to do the high ropes at Lockerbie.

Joel S  - For following instructions and attempting all activities at Lockerbie.

Emelie B, Noah C, Billy C, Scarlett D, Darcey G - For excellent effort at Lockerbie Manor!

Mason L - For being an excellent team leader at Lockerbie.

Most Merits - Sam Pawsey