Well done to our Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week

Year 5

Erin Bell for being such an excellent friend and having a fantastic attitude in all she does.  Well done Erin.

Emily T for Impressive clay skills!

Klay W for working hard in maths and getting a great report from his intervention

Kane G for having a fantastic attitude and behaving well in lessons.

Jay C for a brilliant effort in Maths, IT and being the howler throwing star!

Callum W for a fantastic attitude in English!  Listening well, working hard and being so supportive to his peers.

Tia H for working so hard in English and showing OUTSTANDING understanding of texts!

Most Merits - Alice L


Year 6

Lolly B for always being so lovely, polite and helpful

James O for always being polite, helpful, honest and hard working. A real star in 6S!

Jessica P for fantastic effort at the football tournament - willing to play wherever needed

Lily-Mae B - for working her socks off in English & Maths! 

Leanne D for being extra helpful at home 

Most Merits - Jake P