Our Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week are as follows:

Year 5

Esme M - being such a lovely member of the Dukeshouse Wood group and taking part in EVERYTHING!

Mathew M - for being so fantastic at Dukeshouse Wood giving everything a go and being supportive of the rest of the group. 

Bobby H - Being so enthusiastic and joining in with everything at Dukeshouse Wood.

Kody G - Fantastic creativity and contributions in English, especially his AMAZING drama performance!!

Most Merits - Poppy J

Year 6

Castor M - For being a superstar in English! 

Donnie S-D - For being a superstar in English!

Braxton W - For being a superstar in English!

George S - For always being helpful, very polite and very well behaved in form time.

Joey H - For much improved behaviour and attitude. Noticed in form time and generally around school. Keep it up, Joey!

Ronnie A - For excellent effort in English!

Most Merits - Alice L