We had a brilliant day celebrating World Book Day at Whytrig. The focus was reading for pleasure and the pupils read some fantastic books in their comfy reading clothes throughout the day during our Drop Everything and Read sessions. The book swap was very successful and lots of children were able to swap a book they have already read for a new one, which was fantastic to see.

In lessons, pupils took part in a variety of reading based activities, including designing book covers and book marks, creating top trump cards for books characters and using them in a ‘character battle’ and even dramatic reading of Romeo and Juliet in Year 8. The day was rounded off with a World Book Day quiz in form classes. Pupils were able to show off their knowledge of books and also try to figure out which members of staff were ‘Masked Readers’. It was wonderful to see so many pupils enjoying reading and we look forward to carrying on the enthusiasm for reading as the school year progresses.