Year 5 have been exploring electrical conductivity in their Science lessons. They were very excited to work in the lab and to set up circuits. After setting up their apparatus, they created a circuit with a break in it so that they could place different materials to check if they conducted electricity. The children were quite surprised with some of their results!
In our Materials and their properties topic in Science, Year 5 have been testing materials to find out which materials conduct heat the best.
Firstly, they planned and set up a fair test by adding different materials to hot water. After that, they felt the materials to judge which got warm the fastest. Results were not very clear so we planned and set up another test. This time, we placed some ice on different materials and timed how long it took for the ice to melt.
Year 5 made some excellent observations and even better conclusions!
During the Year 5 topic of Materials and their Properties, the children have been exploring magnets. They have tested various materials to find out if they are magnetic and then used their knowledge to discover how to separate different substances.