Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 stars of the week
Year 5
Ethan K - For always working so hard and being such a lovely member of 5 South.
Corey C - For having a fantastic attitude towards everything!
Lily W - For always trying her best and having a wonderful positive attitude.
Darcey W - For being hardworking, mature and such a delightful pupil!
Most Merits - Evie H & Lily W
Year 6
Pippa R - For always trying her hardest in everything she does and for being a wonderful member of the form class
Grayson J - Always being well organised, polite, helpful and very well behaved in all form time sessions
April K-N - For being friendly, polite, organised and cheerful at all times.
Kobi B - For always working hard
Most Merits - Emily S