At the end of the first half term, our Astley Community High School sports ambassadors were appointed and began undertaking their roles. The pupils put themselves forward and/or were nominated by the PE staff for the role. Our sports ambassadors are excellent role models for the qualities we uphold in PE at ACHS and their job is to inspire others to do the same. They represent both the pupils at ACHS, and the PE department and are an important link between the two, communicating feedback/comments on many different issues including PE kit and the activities we offer. They will also have opportunities to undertake some leadership and coaching roles for events such as School Games. The ambassadors recently recruited some helpers and filmed some hockey skills and drills which will be shown to year 6 pupils in Northumberland so that they can take part in a virtual School Games hockey competition.
Please speak to your sports ambassadors if there is anything you would like them to pass on to the PE department, or if you are interested in helping in future events.
Mrs Hewitson