We are constantly looking for ways to improve our communication with you and keep everyone up-to-date and well informed.
In June 2021 we will move from Schoolcomms to MyChildatSchool, which is an electronic school communication system from Bromcom. MCAS enables you to receive all your information from school quickly and reliably.
We can send letters by email to your inbox and short messages directly to your mobile phone - and, if necessary, you can reply the same way too! If you have an Apple or Android mobile phone this is via a free app. You can also make payments through the app or online, as well as top up and view lunch account balances.
By registering on MCAS, you can:
receive letters more reliably and promptly
see letters in your inbox like any other email
get a short text or app message if we need to contact you urgently
see your child’s timetable for the current week
stop relying on your child for delivery
reply by email or text
send us any reasons for absence via app, text or email
top-up your child’s lunch account quickly and easily, as well as monitor their spending
We can:
send more letters and information regarding your child/ren
save money on admin time, printing and paper
contact you urgently when necessary
The school will use the email address and mobile number that we hold for you in our database. If you change your contact details please let the school know as soon as possible.
1. Search for “MyChildatSchool” in the Apple App Store/Google Play store.
2. Install the app and your login details will be provided by the school.
3. When you launch MCAS for the first time, please select “Redeem Initiation Code”, then enter this code along with the school ID and your username from the letter, and if asked please confirm you are not a robot.
You should now be logged in and able to see any information we have released about your child. You will be able to just log in via the normal login button in future.